The pure magic of imagination is the inspiration for my creations. I believe in the harmony of form and function to produce mutually beneficial solutions that uplift my environments and invite people to see through a new lens of possibility. 

My passion is people and I enjoy creating connections in many worlds, from food banks to board rooms, solopreneurs to Billionaire CEOs. I have helped redirect brands and create new business in many sectors including retail, hospitality, finance, law, entertainment, real estate and more. This experience has honed my ability to recognize triggers that drive decisions and help predict future trends. 

I’ve designed online, print, advertising and marketing campaigns and product launches for companies such as Sony, DuPont, Coca Cola, NFL, PG&E, Weber Shandwick Worldwide and others. The design industry has provided me with a wealth of experience in handling multiple projects of various sizes. Leading designers, managing vendors, and most importantly cultivating trust in my clients and my team are all necessary aspects of the flow. I strive to create an environment that fosters conscious solutions, bridging invisible ideas into effective and scalable systems with the collective in mind.

I am focusing my two decades of study in metaphysics and enlightenment into the creation and integration of holistic and balanced energy in new ideas and businesses. My diverse experience and research has shown me that true connections exist at the root of us all. The diversity of the global experience can reveal solutions and insights into new opportunities for emerging areas. 

As the creator of ENLTN ( my mission is developing modern methods for efficient enlightenment through edutainment, with the goal of raising compassion and consciousness in our world. I recently created the board game, “The Powers That Be”, ( to help people ask new questions about the spectrum of global power and the nature of our reality. 

A life long performer, I’ve written songs and played drums for several bands, acted in primetime TV shows and independent films and attended college on a basketball scholarship. My degree is in Visual Communication and Design and I have exhibited photos and paintings at various galleries and in private collections in several countries. Email for info on Commissioned paintings.

While it’s been quite an adventurous journey so far, I am most excited about the next chapters. 

Would you like to create together?

NE > MPLS > LA > OC > LV > ATX

Consultation, Design & Creative Direction for the conscious community.



+1 (310) 562 1961

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